What can affect my transfer credit evaluation results?


The University can accept undergraduate courses completed at regionally accredited institutions of higher learning.

The University can accept ACE recommended credits for military or civilian workforce experiences as listed in the National Guide, National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS), AARTS, SMARTS, etc.

Developmental or remedial courses do not transfer, with the exception of select remedial math courses that are posted for prerequisite purposes only. The credits will still not be used toward total degree hours.

Technical and/or vocational courses do not transfer, unless taken as part of a regionally accredited associate's degree and deemed appropriate for transfer. Continuing education unit (CEU) courses do not transfer.

Credits from institutions that operate on the quarter system will be converted to semester hours. This is done by multiplying the quarter credit hours by 2/3 or by dividing the number of quarter hours by 1.5.

Quarter Hours Semester Hours
1 .6666
2 1.3333
3 2
4 2.6666
5 3.3333

Grades of Pass/Satisfactory at the undergraduate level are acceptable as long as the credit is equivalent to a C grade or better.

Each college determines how courses will be applied to meet general education and program requirements. A course that is determined to full-fill a general education area at one institution may not be acceptable as a TROY general studies requirement.

In addition, for a transfer course to be awarded as a TROY science course, it must have a laboratory component. Equivalent science courses without a verified lab component will be applied to the lecture course only until the lab can be verified.

Credit from community colleges is generally considered to be lower level and is generally applicable only to freshman (1100 level) and sophomore (2200 level) requirements. Some select 3300 level awards are allowed as approved by the departments.

Additional documentation may be required (e.g., course syllabi or descriptions) if further review of a course equivalency is desired.

Once this course-by-course credit evaluation is completed, an academic program evaluation can be performed to determine exactly what a student's remaining courses will be for a declared major/program/minor combination. A student should check with his/her academic advisor on how to obtain an 'Official' Academic Program Evaluation, which is a separate process from the transfer credit evaluation.



Article ID: 40741
Thu 10/12/17 6:01 PM
Thu 10/13/22 9:26 AM