Where can I find information about general studies and electives?


General Studies


The General Studies program is an interdisciplinary program that prepares students to become effective communicators and critical thinkers who can speak, read, write and compute effectively. These skills represent those attributes essential for student academic and professional success.


The General Studies program is divided into five separate areas:  English Composition, Humanities/Fine Arts, Mathematics and Sciences, History/Social/Behavioral Sciences, and Pre-professional/Majors/Elective courses. The academic breadth of the General Studies program provides a critical foundation for future academic study for each Troy student, regardless of major.


Exposure to this broad range of disciplines early in the student’s academic career stimulates student interest in previously unfamiliar areas and widens their intellectual horizons. The University regards the organization, composition, and diversity of General Studies program as evidence of its commitment to lifelong learning for its graduates. 

More information about general studies can be found on the General Studies web page or in the Undergraduate Academic Catalog.


Information about electives can be found in the Degrees and Required Credit Hours section of the Undergraduate Academic Catalog.

Students should contact their advisor for additional information about electives specific to their major.  



Article ID: 44501
Tue 12/12/17 5:50 PM
Thu 8/27/20 1:29 PM