Where can I find information about parking?


Parking and Parking Tickets

On the Alabama campuses, students are eligible to park on campus with a valid parking permit in designated areas.

Parking and traffic regulations apply to all Alabama campuses. 

The cost of parking and the parking and traffic regulations can be found on the Traffic and Parking Regulations web page. 


Troy Campus

A parking permit and parking map may be obtained from the Troy University Police Department located on the first floor of Hamil Hall on Luther Drive.

Campus Map - Troy Campus


Montgomery Campus

A parking permit and parking map may be obtained at the front desk in Whitley Hall.

Campus Map - Montgomery Campus


Phenix City Campus

A parking permit and parking map may be obtained from the Student Services Office in Adams Hall which is on the corner of College Drive and University Place.

Campus Map - Phenix City Campus


Dothan Campus

A parking permit and a parking map may be obtained from the reception desk in Malone Hall.

Campus Map - Dothan Campus

Parking Tickets/Fines

Information about parking tickets can found on the Traffic and Parking Regulations web page.

Fines for parking tickets can be paid online at https://splash.troy.edu/parking/index.html.



Article ID: 44652
Wed 12/13/17 9:53 AM
Thu 6/9/22 3:00 PM