How are my transfer credits evaluated?


Transfer Credit Evaluation

For information about the evaluation of transfer credits, visit the Academic Records web page and click on Academic Evaluation Center.

The Transfer Credit Listings web page allows you to evaluate which of your credits will possibly transfer to Troy University prior to your admission.

Information about transfer credit can also be found in the Admission Requirements section of the Undergraduate Academic Catalog or in the General Regulations section of the Graduate Academic Catalog.

Free in 48

Troy University is proud to offer you an unofficial transfer equivalency report of your undergraduate transfer credits that you have already completed. This report will allow you to see how the course credits you have already earned may transfer into Troy University.

For more information about Free in 48, visit the Free in 48 webpage.

Experiential Credit

Troy University recognizes that learning equivalent to the college level can occur outside the formal structure of accredited colleges and universities. Policies and procedures have been established for the assessment of this learning based upon the “Principles of Good Practice in Assessing Experiential Learning” recommended by the Council for the Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL).

More information about experiential credit can be found in the Academic Regulations section of the Undergraduate Academic Catalog.

Experiential Learning Credit

Experiential learning assessment (ELA) is a process used by Troy University to evaluate prior college-equivalent learning attained by students outside the classroom and not transferable through any of the standard methods of accepting non-traditional credit. Each student prepares a portfolio that is a carefully organized folder which documents learning outcomes (not learning activities) for the purpose of earning credit for a specific college course or courses.

More information about experiential learning credit can be found in the Specialized Curricula section of the Undergraduate Academic Catalog.

More Information

For more information, contact Admissions using the contact information on the Contact TROY web page.



Article ID: 44664
Wed 12/13/17 10:37 AM
Tue 2/18/20 3:40 PM