How do I file a complaint?


Student Complaints & Definition of a Complaint


Student Complaints

Occasionally, a student may feel that the treatment they have received is not consistent with expectations based upon the university's official documents, such as the Undergraduate Catalog, the Graduate Catalog, or the Oracle (Student Handbook). In these cases, the university desires to have a clearly defined path for students to express their complaints in a manner that will provide documentation and accountability within the institution for providing a timely response and resolution.

Definition of a Complaint

A complaint is a written statement by a student that the treatment they have received is not consistent with the university's policies as stated in an official document. Only students may submit a complaint.

Student Complaint Policy and Procedure for Submitting a Complaint

View the Student Complaint Policy and the procedure for submitting a complaint.               



Article ID: 44675
Wed 12/13/17 10:49 AM
Tue 2/18/20 3:39 PM