When can I move in?


Move-in Schedule


Move-in Schedule

Residents will receive instructions from the Housing and Residence Life Office before time to move in each semester. Check in dates/times is included in students electronic assignment email notification. Move-in dates usually begin the Saturday before the first day of registration. Residents are required to personally check in with the residence staff of their individual building. Rooms keys will be obtained during check-in.

If a resident has checked in early or stayed during the interim, he/she is responsible for checking in with the staff during regular check-in. Notification must be given to the Housing and Residence Life Office concerning late check-in. Without such notification, the resident will lose his/her room assignment after 5:00 p.m. on the last day of registration.

Contact information for housing at Troy University can be found on the Contact Us web page.

More information about student housing can be found on the Troy University Housing web page. 





Article ID: 44684
Wed 12/13/17 10:56 AM
Mon 6/6/22 10:08 AM