How do I choose a roommate?


Choosing a roommate


Choosing a roommate

The Troy University Student Housing Application includes a ROOMMATE PREFERENCES section in which you will indicate who you would like for your roommate to be. Roommate choice must be mutual. Assignments are based on space availability and date of contract. Please be advised that roommate preference is a request and is not a guarantee. 

The Housing Office will try to honor requests for roommates when space permits. When empty rooms are not available, every effort is made to put students in the same dorm or on the same floor to make moves or “swaps” easier on “MOVE DAY”.

A student who does not request anyone for a roommate will be assigned at random with someone as close to their age as possible. If roommates are not compatible, they may move on “Move Day”. All parties involved in a move must be in agreement to the move. No one is forced out of a room.

Opportunities are given each semester to swap. “MOVE DAY” begins the first day of class and lasts for about one week. Students may move from one room to another or to another building providing there is space for them. Students desiring to move should see the Resident Assistant or Resident Director of the building to inquire what spaces are available. The R.A.’s or R.D. will be glad to assist them with this.

More information about student housing can be found on the Troy University Housing web page.



Article ID: 44853
Wed 12/13/17 5:08 PM
Tue 2/18/20 3:16 PM