How to Disable MAC Randomization for Android OS Version 10 and Higher

How do I disable MAC Randomization in Android OS (Version 10 and higher)?

The MAC Randomization of Android OS does not work with some networks. If you wish to disable that feature, follow these directions.

By default this MAC Randomizer will be enabled once the device is updated to Android 10. To disable it follow the below steps (for most Android devices)

The randomized MAC address option is configured for each wireless connection, so there is no way to configure this globally. Once you connect to a wireless network, here's how to make sure the device is NOT Using random MAC address (instead of the device MAC  address). 

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Tap Network & Internet.
  3. Tap Wi-Fi.
  4. Tap the gear icon associated with the wireless connection to be configured.
  5. Tap Advanced.
  6. Tap Privacy.
  7. Tap Use Device MAC.