How to split name columns in the Canvas Gradebook


Split Name Columns


The Gradebook View menu includes the option to split student names into two separate columns and show first and last name separately.

Change Benefit

This change allows student first and last names to be displayed and exported in separate columns.

Feature Workflow

The Gradebook View menu in individual courses displays the Split Student Names option, which displays student names as last name first.

  1. Enter Gradebook
  2. Click on View
  3. Select Split Student Names

Gradebook View Menu: Split Student Names Option

Additional Details

When student names are split, the Last Name column can still be sorted by type and order and supports secondary info.

Split names are respected and displayed in the Gradebook CSV export

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Article ID: 141324
Thu 2/10/22 1:24 PM
Thu 2/10/22 1:51 PM