What are the end user PC security best practices?

  1. Usernames and Passwords
  2. Software patch updates
  3. Anti-virus software
  4. Firewall software
  5. E-mail Management
  6. Data Encryption
  7. Web browsing
  8. Physical security
  9. Unnecessary application/services
  10. General Items


  1. Usernames and Passwords
    Users should change default passwords and use strong passwords. Passwords should not be shared. Passwords should not be written down.
  2. Software patch updates
    Be certain that applications and operating systems are up-to-date with patches.
  3. Anti-virus software
    Anti-virus software should be installed. Anti-virus software should be configured to update daily. Do not disable anti-virus software.
  4. Firewall software
    While the university provides in-depth security defenses, all end-users are urged to not disable firewall software provided by the operating system vendor.
  5. E-mail Management
    Do not open unsolicited or unrecognized e-mail. Do not send confidential or sensitive information without proper authorization and strong approved encryption. University e-mail account should be used for university business only. Do not use e-mail systems other than the university e-mail system – TROY email.
  6. Data Encryption
    If maintaining confidential or sensitive data, be certain that data encryption of the network traffic and any local copy is enabled. Do not store confidential or sensitive data on external drives or media. Contact IT for assistance.
  7. Web browsing
    Limit Web browsing to work-related sites. Be vigilant of downloading software or files from the Internet. Do not visit “adult” content sites.
  8. Physical security
    Unauthorized physical access to an unattended device can result in harmful or fraudulent modification of data, fraudulent email use, or any number of other potentially dangerous situations. Lock or Log-off computers when leaving desks devices, or, device is unattended. Secure portable devices in the office and while traveling.  Keep window blinds closed while away from your office.
  9. Unnecessary application/services
    If a service is not necessary for the intended purpose or operation of the device, that application/service should not be running.
  10. General Items
    Instant messaging is discouraged. Visit the technology usage policy at https://www.troy.edu/epolicy/800-technology.html. Do not insert “found” USB drives, CD-ROM’s, etc. If office keys are lost, contact campus security immediately.





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Article ID: 40564
Tue 10/10/17 1:00 PM
Wed 2/19/20 10:57 AM