Are new students guaranteed housing?

In order for a new student to be guaranteed housing, the student must apply for housing by the March 1 deadline.  The deadline for new incoming students to apply for on-campus housing is March 1 for all students including international students. All new incoming students under the age of 19 prior to the first day of registration are required to reside on campus unless living at your stated home address with your parents. Students admitted to the university after this date (regardless of age) will be placed on a waiting list with no guarantee of on-campus housing.

Students may reside off campus with grandparents, brothers, or sisters that may live locally. A letter requesting this must be submitted to the housing office from the parents stating they are requesting permission for their son/daughter to reside off campus with their grandparents or older son or daughter. The letter should state the name of the person they would be residing with, the relationship to the student, and the address. This letter is submitted to the Director of Housing for approval.

There are special circumstances in which the student may have a legal guardian. This should be documented and accompany the request. The student, when granted permission, will fill out an off-campus card with the address they will be living at and submit it to Housing for clearance of any holds. This living arrangement would be for that academic year (fall & spring semesters).

More information about the requirements for students living in on-campus housing can be found on the Troy University Housing web page.

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