What are your policies on attendance?

Attendance Policies

The attendance policies may be viewed in the Undergraduate Academic Catalog and the Graduate Academic Catalog.

To view all undergraduate and graduate academic catalogs that are available, please visit the Academic Catalogs web page.

Undergraduate Attendance Policy

Students receiving financial assistance are required to attend classes according to the regulations for financial assistance benefits in addition to those regulations required for the course.

Graduate Attendance Policy

In registering for classes at the university, graduate students accept responsibility for attending scheduled class meetings, completing assignments on time, and contributing to class discussion and exploration of ideas.

A student will be excused for class absence for circumstances beyond the student’s control or if the student has been required to attend an activity sponsored by the university. Faculty members who sponsor activities that require class absences must send a list of student names approved by the Dean or designee or Office of the Provost to each member concerned at least three days before the scheduled absence.

Faculty members may levy academic penalties upon unexcused absences; however, such penalties for unexcused absences will be a part of each course syllabus and will be distributed to each class at the beginning of each class and a copy filed in the departmental office.


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Wed 12/13/17 10:52 AM
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