1098-T FAQ


Answers to common questions concerning the 1098-T.


For detailed instructions on accessing your 1098-T form visit: How do I access my 1098-t tax form?


When does the 1098-T become available?

If you consented to receive your 1098-T form online, you will receive a notification email before January 31st indicating that this form is available.  

If you did not consent to receive the form online, the 1098-T form will be mailed to the address on file with Troy University before January 31st

Please note that if you did not consent before the cutoff period (typically the middle of January), you will not receive a notification email.  However, you may still access your 1098-T form online after you complete the online consent form.  You will still receive a mailed copy of the form if you did not consent before the cutoff period.


What is a 1098-T?

The University is required to provide this form to students and the Internal Revenue Service.  The 1098-T provides a total of payments received for qualified tuition and fees as well as scholarship and grant information to students and the Internal Revenue Service. It also informs the Internal Revenue Service that the recipient of the form may be eligible for education related tax benefits.  Please consult with your tax advisors to determine how your payments to the University affects your tax situation.


How do I reset the password to access my 1098-T?

You will need to visit https://www.tsc1099.com/login1098.aspx and click the Forgot Password link. You will then need to enter 10296 in the site id field, your TrojanPass username into the username field and click the Submit button. You will then be sent an email to your Troy University email address allowing you to change your password.


I did not receive a 1098-T form. Why?

Not all students will receive a 1098-T. Below are possible reasons you did not receive a 1098-T form.

  • You only took courses for which no academic credit is offered (Continuing education courses are a common example of noncredit courses)
  • You are a nonresident alien.
    • Note: If you would still like a form as a nonresident alien you will need to request a form each year. You will also need to ensure you have a tax identification number on file with the University before requesting the form.  Once you have verified your tax identification number is on file you can request the form by entering a helpdesk request.


What is the advantage of receiving my 1098-T electronically?

You will be able to access your 1098-T earlier because it will not have to be mailed. Also, you can easily access it multiple times should it get misplaced.


My 1098-T forms in the past have had amounts in box 2. Why does this year’s form have an amount in box 1 instead of box 2?

In previous years, your 1098-T included a figure in Box 2 that represented the qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE) we billed to your student account for the calendar (tax) year. Due to a change to institutional reporting requirements under federal law, beginning with tax year 2018, we will report in Box 1 the amount of QTRE you paid during the year.


What is included in box 5?

All scholarships, grants, and 3rd party payments are included in box 5. Scholarships and grants generally include all payments received from third parties (excluding family members and loan proceeds).  This includes payments received from government and private entities such as the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Defense, civic and religious organizations, and nonprofit entities. 


How do I get my forms for prior years?

You retrieve the forms at https://www.tsc1099.com/login1098.aspx. This website has the forms back to 2011. You will simply need to change the year in the dropdown box of the screen to the year of the form you are wanting to view. Once you have the correct year selected click the view/print link.


I paid more in the calendar year than what is reflected in box 1 of the form.

Box 1 amounts are limited to the amount of qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE) we billed to your student account for the calendar (tax) year. For example, payments towards spring courses that were pre-registered for during the previous year will not be reported. Also, payments for housing or meal plan charges are not reported.




Article ID: 70066
Fri 1/11/19 4:26 PM
Tue 3/31/20 1:11 PM

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