Welcome to our Troy University Trojan Card web site. We are excited about our Trojan Card and trust you will find this information helpful. Our card program offers many services to our students. It serves as their official university identification card, access card, debit card for on-campus purchases, shuttle service card, meal plan card, laundry card in the dorms and as a discount card with participating, off-campus merchants. Our Trojan card is designed to make the student's campus experience more enjoyable by providing many services through a single card. It's simple. It's safe. It's convenient. It virtually eliminates the need to carry cash on campus and also entitles students to student only discounts at off-campus businesses.
Please take care of your Trojan Card. You need to protect this card just like a bank card. If your card is lost, stolen, or misplaced, you should immediately report it to the card office at 334-670-3293 during business hours; university police at 334-670-3215 after business hours; or suspend the card online at https://troytrojanscard-sp.transactcampus.com/eAccounts/AnonymousHome.aspx.
It is our pleasure to serve you and to help make your TROY experience the very best it can be. Should you ever have a question or concern, please call our office at 1-334-670-3293.

What is the Trojan ID Card?
The Trojan ID Card is the student's official identification card at Troy University. Identification cards are mandatory and valid only to the person issued. This card must be carried at all times while the student is on campus and presented to any university official or duly constituted authority upon request. Refusal to identify oneself to an official of the university or any misuse of the ID card constitutes grounds for serious disciplinary action.
When do I get a Trojan ID Card?
All Trojan ID Cards are produced at the Trojan ID Card Office located in the Cashiers Office on the first floor of the Adams Administration Building. To help insure that ID cards are not duplicated, a new student must have made an ID card or picked up their ID card by the fourth week of the semester; otherwise, a fee of $15.00 will be assessed at the time an ID card is requested. Lost or stolen ID cards should be reported immediately to the Trojan ID Card Office and will cost $15.00 to replace.
Online Students
Email your digital photo in JPEG format to trojancardadmin@troy.edu.
Include the following information:
- Your first and last name
- Your Student ID (seven-digit number which can be found in Self-Service)
- A copy of a photo ID, such as your driver's license
- Your current mailing address
Once your ID card has been created you will receive an email; however, please allow 7 business days for mailing purposes.
Photo Tips
- Take your picture against a solid colored background
- Your photo should be of your head and shoulders only
- Take the picture with the camera turned vertically. This will eliminate extra space in the frame
Remember unsuitable photos will be rejected.
What happens if I lose my Trojan ID Card?
The Trojan ID Card is issued to the student as a four-year ID card. Loss or theft of your ID card should be reported immediately to the Trojan ID Card Office on your campus. The replacement cost of the card is $15.00.
How can I use my Trojan ID Card used?
- To check out materials and print materials at the Library
- To access meal plans or Dining Dollars at the Troy Campus dining locations
- To use Montgomery Café Dollars at the Barnes & Noble Bookstore on the Montgomery Campus
- To use the laundry machines located in the dormitories on the Troy Campus
- Trojan cash can be used at all Troy Campus Dining Services locations
- Admission to TROY sporting events; discounts at arts and entertainment events
- To ride the TROJAN SHUTTLE system on the Troy Campus free with your current Trojan Card
- Discounts at merchants in community offering Troy University student discounts
Who is in charge of the Trojan ID Card program?
The Trojan ID Card program infrastructure is managed jointly by the Auxiliary Services and Information Technology departments while day-to-day operations are handled by Auxiliary Services for the Troy Campus in the Trojan ID Card Office and Student Financial Services for the Montgomery, Dothan and Phenix City Campuses.
Where is the Trojan ID Card Office for the Troy Campus?
The Trojan ID Card Office is located in 155 Adams Administration Building of the Troy campus of Troy University, in the cashier area.
What are the hours of operations for the Trojan ID Card Office at the Troy Campus?
Hours are 8:15 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday when school is in session.
What is Trojan Cash?
These are funds that you may to add to your Trojan Card to use anywhere on the Troy Campus the card is accepted, except Barnes & Noble bookstore. You are able to add Trojan Cash to your account in person at the Trojan Card Office, by calling 1-334-670-3293, using the PHIL machine in the Library lobby or by using the eAccounts portal to make a web deposit.
Once cash is added to your Trojan ID Card, it will not be refunded unless the account holder graduates or withdraws from the University. If there is no activity on an account for two years, the funds will be transferred to the Trojan Card operations account, and the card holder will lose the balance.
Where is Trojan Cash accepted?
The following are participating Trojan Cash locations:
Trojan Dining Hall, Trojan Center Food Court, Post Office, selected copiers on Troy Campus, Student Health Services, and campus laundry rooms.
What are Dining Dollars?
Troy Campus students not under a residential meal plan taking at least 9 undergraduate credit hours on campus will be required to purchase a $275 meal plan per semester. These funds may be used at the Trojan Dining Hall, Trojan Center Food Court, Quick Zone in the Math-Science Complex, Athletic Concessions and Herb's Place at Trojan Village.
Effective Fall semester 2020, unused Dining Dollars shall carry forward from the Fall to Spring semester for use in the same academic year, provided the student purchases the Dining Dollar meal plan for the Spring semester. For those students, a 5% carry forward fee will be deducted from the unused Fall Dining Dollars.
Dining Dollars are valid until the last day of the Spring semester and all unused dollars will be forfeited.
What is eAccounts and how does it work?
The Troy University eAccounts portal lets you review your campus card accounts and allows you to:
- Check the balance of your Trojan Cash, Trojan Points, Dining Dollar and Meal Plan account (Account Summary).
- Use “+Add Money” under “Trojan Cash” to make a web deposit. The minimum deposit is $10.00 and the maximum deposit is $500.00; there is a 3% transaction fee for each deposit (Account Summary).
- View transaction history for transactions on your Trojan Card (Account Transactions).
- View transaction history for board plans on your Trojan Card (Board Transactions).
- View or download Monthly Statements for your Trojan Card accounts (Account Statements).
- Deactivate a lost or stolen ID card and the ability to reactivate the same card if it is located before you replace it (bottom of the web page under Card Services).
How do I sign up for eAccounts?
Enter your Troy University e-mail username and password, then click sign in. If you require assistance with your login, please contact the
The first time a user signs in to eAccounts, they will need to provide their student ID number and email to get their record connected in eAccounts associated with the Transact card management system.
Please visit https://troytrojanscard-sp.transactcampus.com/eAccounts/AnonymousHome.aspx
Where do I get more information on eAccounts?
On the https://my.troy.edu webpage, go to “Trojan Card” under “Students”. Scroll down to the Frequently Asked Questions for more information.
Terms and Conditions
All registered students must obtain a Trojan Card. You must have the Trojan Card for identification purposes while attending Troy University. The Trojan Card is required to access university facilities, services, campus sponsored events, purchase/use various cardholder accounts, and receive student associated discounts. After completion registration for the first time and verification of identity, you will receive an official Trojan Card and thereafter are fully responsible. The Trojan Card is not transferable and must be carried with you at all times. I understand that I will be charged the amount of $15.00 for any replacement Trojan Card requested.
Lost or stolen cards should be reported immediately to the ID Center on your campus or by calling the Trojan Card Office at 1-334-670-3293, or University Police at 1-334-670-3215 after hours. I understand that I will be charged the amount of $15.00 for a replacement Trojan Card.
If I fail to close my Trojan Card account when I separate from the university and I have a balance due to me, I will forfeit the funds in if there is no activity on the account for two continuous years.