Does Troy University offer a payment plan?

Payment Plan

Students on a semester format with an account balance after the first payment due date will be placed in a two-part payment plan and will be assessed a $25.00 payment plan fee.

One-half of the amount owed Troy University will be due on the first payment due date (typically one week after the 100% free/drop add period ends). Students may apply the following toward the first payment:

  • Awarded institutional scholarship
  • Awarded financial aid
  • Payment by paper check, money order, cash, debit card or credit card

The remaining amount owed by the final payment due date. Payment due dates are published and are approximately two months apart. Financial aid above what is needed to cover the first payment due may be applied to the remaining payments due. The student should be prepared to pay any amount not covered by financial aid.  Failure to pay the entire balance by the final payment date will result in a late fee of $50.00. Also, failure to satisfy financial obligations to the University will result in the student's restriction from future class registration, possibly having the account assigned to a collection agency, and non-release of transcripts.

It is the responsibility of the students to pay their account balance by the established payment due dates. To view the tuition payment due dates for semesters, view the Academic Calendar.   

A current semester debt must be paid-in-full before a student will be allowed to register for a future semester during registration dates that fall before the final payment due date.

More Information

More information about payments can be found on the Troy University Student Financial Services web page.

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Tue 12/12/17 3:47 PM
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