What is my EFC?

Expected Family Contribution (EFC)

Financial Aid is intended to fill the gap between the cost of education and the expected family contribution.

Most federal and state financial aid programs are based on the expectation that you and your family will contribute some portion of the cost of your education.

Your family's ability to contribute is determined by a federally approved need analysis system.

Your family's taxed and untaxed income, assets (except for the family home), savings, family size, and the number of people who are in your household enrolled in college are some of the items considered when your EFC is calculated.

The EFC formula must be applied to each family's financial information, so we can't tell you here whether you'll be eligible for federal student aid or estimate how much aid you might get. That's why you need to apply—to find out!

More Information

For more information please visit the Office of Financial Aid – How Aid is Awarded



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