Student FAQ

Answers to most commonly asked questions by students. To search for answers to more specific issues you may be encountering, please use the search box at the top of this page.

Categories (8)

TrojanPass Account

This account is known as a single sign-on (SSO) account. The same username and password will give you access to many services including: TROY Email, Canvas, Self-Service, Trojan Web Express, the Helpdesk and Microsoft 365 Apps.

TROY Email

Information on TROY email accounts and two-factor authentication.

Online Learning

Information on accessing TROY's online learning system, Canvas, and other related applications.

Computers & Software

Answers to questions about computers and software needed while attending TROY.


Information on connecting your devices to the TROY networks

Mobile Communications

Information about University mobile communication methods.

Student Services

Admissions, Registration, Financial Aid, Records, Transcripts, Billing, Trojan Card, Housing, Career Services, Student Conduct, etc.

Articles (1)