What is an incomplete?

Incomplete Grade

Click here to access the "Incomplete Grade Request" form.


This incomplete grade policy replaces all other incomplete grade policies as of August 9, 2012.

If a student is unable to complete all course grading requirements, the student may be eligible to request the assignment of an incomplete grade. An incomplete grade is not automatically assigned by the instructor, but must be requested by the student and approved by the instructor. The decision to approve or reject a student’s request for an incomplete grade is at the discretion of the instructor using the following criteria:

  • Student submits a completed “Petition for an Incomplete Grade” form prior to assignment of a course grade.
  • Student’s progress in the course is deemed satisfactory.
  • Student is passing the course when the request is made.
  • The circumstances that prevented the student’s completion of course requirements are beyond the student’s control, and adequate documentation is provided.

Time limit for removal of incomplete grade

Any student who receives an “I” must adhere to the deadlines set by the instructor for when required assignments must be received. The deadline must not exceed 9 weeks from the date of the end of the semester that the “I” was awarded. All set deadlines apply whether or not the student enrolls for the semester or term following the assignment of the incomplete grade. Work received on or before the instructor set deadlines will be graded and computed into the final course grade. The instructor will submit a “Change of Grade” form to the registrar on or before the last day to remove an Incomplete from the previous semester or term published in the university’s master calendar. Student assignments not received by instructor’s deadlines will not be graded and a “Change of Grade” form will not be submitted. If a “Change of Grade” form is not submitted by the appropriate time, the “I” will automatically be converted to an “FI”. An “FI” is calculated as an “F” when determining grade point average.


This incomplete grade policy replaces all other incomplete grade policies as of August 9, 2012.

If a student is unable to complete all course grading requirements, the student may be eligible to request the assignment of an incomplete grade. An Incomplete grade is not automatically assigned by the instructor, but must be requested by the student and approved by the instructor. The decision to approve or reject a student’s request for an incomplete grade is at the discretion of the instructor using the following criteria:

  • Student submits a completed “Incomplete Grade Request” form prior to assignment of a course grade.
  • Student’s progress in the course is deemed satisfactory.
  • Student is passing the course when the request is made.
  • The circumstances that prevented the student’s completion of course requirements are beyond the student’s control and adequate documentation is provided.

A student may request an incomplete by completing and submitting to the instructor a “Petition for an Incomplete Grade” form. This form can be found on the Graduate School Forms web page. An incomplete grade will not be assigned until the student receives from the instructor the approved request form which outlines the work to be completed, the grading weight of the assignment(s), and a deadline for when all required work must be received. It is the student’s responsibility to follow up with the instructor on the status of their request for an incomplete grade and become informed of all work required and deadlines.

Time limit for removal of incomplete grade

Any student who receives an “I” must adhere to the deadlines set by the instructor for when required assignments must be received. The instructor deadline must not exceed 9 weeks from the date of the end of the semester that the “I” was awarded. All instructor set deadlines apply whether or not the student enrolls for the semester or term following the assignment of the incomplete grade. Work received on or before the instructor set deadlines will be graded and computed into the final course grade. The instructor will submit a “Change of Grade” form to the registrar on or before the last day to remove an Incomplete from the previous term or semester published in the university’s master calendar. Student assignments not received by instructor’s deadlines will not be graded and a “Change of Grade” form will not be submitted. If a “Change of Grade” form is not submitted by the appropriate time, the “I” will automatically be converted to an “FI”. An “FI” is calculated as an “F” when determining grade point average.

More Information

More information about an incomplete grade can be found in the Undergraduate Academic Catalog in the Academic Regulations section or the Graduate Academic Catalog in the General Regulations section.   

To view all undergraduate and graduate academic catalogs that are available, please visit the Academic Catalogs web page.

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