What do I do if I have planned courses but I have no Register Now button or my Register Now button is grey?

·         If there is no register now button, it is most likely because you have not yet chosen sections for your courses. ​​​​​​​

·         Check to see if you have planned the classes but didn’t choose a time/day/instructor (section)

o   If you have planned courses but not chosen sections, those classes will be grey.

o   Classes with sections chosen are yellow and say “planned.”

·         Verify that you do not have any holds on your account. If you have a hold on your account, you will need to have that removed before you can register. 

·         If you have selected sections but there is still no Register Now button, it is probably not your turn to register. If you have a Classification hold, this will come off automatically when it is your turn to register.


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Article ID: 69029
Fri 12/14/18 12:01 PM
Fri 6/23/23 4:51 PM