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University History
Information about TROY University
Information about TROY University
A look at TROY University
Categories (1)
Articles (53)
Are lockers available for students?
Are you a public or private institution?
Public or Private
Can I get a campus map?
Can I get driving directions to campus?
Can you send me information about Troy University?
Do you have a career services center?
Career Services - TROY Campuses
Do you have an alumni association?
Alumni Association
Do you have open house?
Do you offer a child care service?
Do you offer continuing education classes?
Continuing Education
Do you offer evening and weekend courses?
Does TROY have a mobile app?
How big is your campus?
Campus Size
How can I send and receive mail on campus?
U.S. Mail
How diverse is your student body?
How do I arrange a campus tour?
Schedule a Tour
How do I get tickets for the graduation ceremony?
Tickets may be required for any commencement ceremony on the Troy, Alabama campus. To find out how many tickets each graduate will receive, contact Troy Campus Records at (334) 670-3164 or (334) 670-3170.
How do I purchase a brick located on the Academic Quad?
How many students are enrolled at Troy University?
Is there a bank on campus or in town?
Banks Near a TROY Site or Campus
Is there a health center on campus?
Is there orientation for new students?
Is there public transit nearby?
Public Transit
Is Troy University accredited?
Is your school a two-year or four-year college?
Two-year or Four-year
What are some fun things to do in town?
What are the hours of operation on campus?
Hours of Operation
What are your school colors?
What are your school colors?
What clubs and/or organizations does Troy Universtiy have?
What facilities are available at TROY?
What hotels are nearby?
What is a Service Center?
TROY Service Centers
What is Homecoming?
What is SOC?
Servicemembers Opportunity College (SOC)
What is the mission of TROY?
Troy University Mission Statement
What is the Odyssey New Student Convocation?
What is the Oracle?
What is the school mascot?
What is the Trojan Way?
What is the TROY Alma Mater?
TROY Alma Mater
What is the TROY fight song?
TROY Fight Song
What is the TROY motto?
When is spring break?
Spring Break
Where can I find information about academics?
Where can I find information about parking?
Where can I get information about TROY for Troops?
TROY for Troops
Where can I get information on campus safety?
Campus Safety
Where can I view facts about TROY?
Facts about TROY
Where do I find information about the Fort Novosel location?
Fort Novosel, Alabama Location
Where is the nearest airport?
Where is your school located?
Who are the Senior Vice Chancellors?
Who is the Chancellor?
Chancellor of Troy University
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